Over the years of creating art I have learned, while taking every imaginable art
class offered at the various colleges I have attended, that with ART there are no rules.
I feel that sometimes as a society we get into this cookie cutter version of creating art.
It really is apparent when I hear people making the statement “Oh I could never do that.”
Why not? Have you tried?
Recently I was asked to do an Activity at the local Morningside Heights Care Center in my hometown.
I was in charge of running an activity for the residents to participate in.
This activity was very enjoyable to me.
There was such a variety of residents that it made it fun for me to be able to show them things that some had never
even heard of.
One participant had never painted before.
Here is his lovely painting.
I think the coolest thing that happened with him is when he asked me if there were any extra
canvases that he could have because he had so many ideas of things to paint now that he had tried!
This is Shi. She created beautiful colors, and vivid movement throughout her piece.
I was very pleased with all of these paintings & can’t wait to go back and create more beautiful artwork. 

This is my Peace painting that I did as an example for the class. How simple. Just one word that can
mean so many things to so many different people.
I hope you have a lovely Thursday.
Thanks Monica and all the residents at Mornigside Heights Care Center for letting me be a part of your lives.
K. Rose