On Saturday our dear friend Aimee of Sweet Aimee’s Knit Pickin celebrated her son’s first birthday which we had the pleasure of partaking in. Max had the best first birthday every! There was cupcakes, a bouncy house, friends, great food and family! I snapped a few photos with my handy dandy Canon and loved how they all turned out! Enjoy these lovely snap shots from Max Power’s First Birthday!
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Lately I have been feeling very creative. Almost to the point where I am overwhelmed with all of my ideas that are flowing through my mind. I have so many ideas that I can’t remember them all by the time I get a paper and pen in my hand to write them down. I recently started a class on SkillShare about Modern Calligraphy. I am in LOVE with this! I have always had good penmanship and I learned calligraphy in the 5th grade but modern calligraphy is a whole new world. Here is some inspiration I have found through Pinterest and my own attempt at modern calligraphy with some neon pink gouache paint!

Lovely Calligraphy Print found here

Beautiful found here

Lettering Love found here

Lovely Calligraphy found here
Lovely Envelopes found here
Have a lovely Friday!
K. Rose