Throughout my blogging experience I have never really written a post that tells you who I am. To be honest this time last year I was lost. My world was had been shaken up and flipped upside down. The pieces were all over the place. My son and I moved back to my hometown of Marshall, MN and lived with my mom in her condo for about 2 months. DaVinci was only 11 months old at the time and considered an infant so I couldn’t get him into daycare anywhere. My sons father and I parted ways and it has been a rollercoster of emotions. Do you ever have that feeling that your both good people you just are not good together anymore. That is how I felt about the situation. There were lots of tears, hurt feelings, arguments and mean things said. Overall I feel that today I am in a much better place.
When they say be patient good tings happen to those who do good. I understand what they are talking about. I have been focusing on putting my son first, myself second and my career/pasions next. We spend our nights playing with trucks and tractors (DaVinci corrects me if I call a truck a tractor and vice versa). I teach him how to say new words and try new foods. I have relaized that being a mom to this little boy is seriously the best feeling in the world. The other night I snuggled with him. He is almost two so he dones’t do this offen. I told him if he slept I would rock him to sleep. he looked up at me with his big bright blue eyes and nodded his head as if to say “Yes Mommy.” My heart melted. I feel like things are moving in the right direction. For a long time I was not using my brain to its full potential. I would not create beautiful things on a daily basis. I didn’t have time to do things that made me who I am because I was busy trying to please everyone else. After meeting with a dear friend of mine today I realized, I am who I am. Now I know better. I know that if my son is fed, clothed, happy and loved then I am doing a good job as his mother, regardless of what I hear. I know that no matter how many people tell me I’m beautiful I still for some reason believe that little voice inside that says you’re not (I’m working on this.) I know that DaVinci is the glue that keeps my family connected. He is such an inspiration and a joy to be around he makes everyone happy. I know that I am creating the life that I love. I know that I was meant to dream and create beautiful things everyday. I know that sharing my ideas and dreams with the world is what I am meant for.
I am never going to be satisfied with what I am doing because I am always thinking of the next greatest creation, or the next great idea. But I am content with where we are at.
I have some great opportunities coming up so stay tuned. There are going to be some big changes in the next couple months for DaVinci and I but I know I am prepared. I was made for this.
Hope you have a lovely Friday.
k. rose