She who is brave is free.
1. Endure or face (unpleasant conditions or behavior) without showing fear.
We all have experiences within our lives that we can either face head on or run from it with everything we have. Being brave has everything to do with your decision. I received some advice the other day. It read “Be brave.” Now I sat there thinking “Am I brave?” “Do I have it within me to face my fears head on?” Then I started thinking what does it take to be brave? I looked up the definition and it says:
Endure or face unpleasant conditions or behavior without showing fear.
Now this definition is perfect. It doesn’t mean that you aren’t scared. It doesn’t mean that your fearless it just means that you face these issues within your life without showing fear.
I don’t know about any of you but I’m fearful of the future. I catch myself thinking about it A LOT. I’m always wondering if what I’m doing today will get me where I want to be tomorrow. This thought process has it’s advantages as well as disadvantages. I’m always consumed with the “What if?” The problem with that is what if nothing ever happens? Then I’ve wasted today wondering about tomorrow. My new goal is to be brave with everything that I do. Living today for today and tomorrow for tomorrow.
“She who is brave is free.” This quote means everything to me. The decisions I’ve made in my life have landed me where I am today. Free.
How have you been brave today?
K. Rose