Check out these new K. Rose Studio & Co. hand-lettered prints.
I just dropped them off at Coco Avenue this afternoon!
If you are looking for a personalized print or want to purchase one from K. Rose Studio & Co. send us an e-mail
directly at h e l l o {at} k r o s e s t u d i o {dot} c o m
Have a beautiful Thursday, I’m off to pick up my munchkin.
K. Rose
Author: K. Rose
Thank you Dr. Rich
My Marketing professor Dr. Mike Rich came to my Graduation party a couple weekends ago.
This man right here has played a huge part in my education at Southwest Minnesota State University.
Over the last couple years I have taken countless Marketing courses with Professor Rich and I have learned so much from him. He has showed me the importance of first impressions, everything I know about marketing and that there is no better way to market your business than getting out and meeting your prospective clients face to face.
I have so many positive things to say about Dr. Rich but one story that really sticks with me is one day my son couldn’t go to daycare but I didn’t want to miss class so he said I could bring DaVinci with to class. We sat in the back of the room. I listened to Dr. Rich’s lecture and DaVinci behaved very well. Dr. Rich told me after class that my son was welcome anytime because he understands the challenges of being a parent while in school. I know it is just something little but that really meant a lot to me. Thank you Dr. Rich for playing such a huge part in my education here at SMSU. You have prepared me for what comes next!
K. Rose