In honor of Mothers Day I decided to post some lovely photos of my honey.
He was born on Halloween two and a half years ago.
I loved you, my sweet DaVinci, before I even met you.
When I look back over these last two and a half years I can’t believe how much he has grown. 
Mentally and physically. He knows his colors, numbers, parts of the alphabet and so much more. 
Let me tell you this little boy does not forget anything he is ever told. He knows where his Nana works, 
his Aunties house and even what kind of truck his dad drives for work. 
He amazes me every single day and I’m so glad I get to call myself DaVinci’s Mama Bear. 
I hope all you lovely mommies had a great day with your loved ones as well!

Have a lovely Monday ya’ll. 
K. Rose aka DaVinci’s Mama