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Month: June 2015
Father’s Day
Today is a day we celebrate the Dad’s!
DaVinci wants to be just like his daddy.
He will tell you that his dad taught him that to wash a car you start from the top and wash down.
He will tell you that his dad drives a work truck and will show you ever truck that resembles his daddy’s.
Today is the day we celebrate!
Happy Father’s Day Hippolito from DaVinci and I.
Thank you for being DaVinci’s Dad.
I would also like to wish my dad a Happy Father’s Day.
He is a great dad! I remember being in high school and forgetting a pair of tall socks for Volleyball.
He would run me out a pair without a blink of an eye. The ladies at the office always said he is a great dad.
Thanks dad for everything you do for me. You rock!
I hope you all have a great Father’s Day.
K. Rose